Transportation Lab.
Particularly dynamic tests on various components of the railway, especially ballast mats and sleepers, are necessary to prevent possible accidents based on materials and systems. For the approval of these systems, experimental studies are carried out in accordance with EN and ASTM standards.
EN 13146-2
Railway applications - Track - Test methods for fastening systems - Part 2: Determination of torsional resistance
EN 13146-5
Railway applications - Track - Test methods for fastening systems - Part 5: Determination of electrical resistance
EN 13146-8
Railway applications - Track; Test methods for fastening systems - Part 8: In service testing
EN 13230-3
Railway applications - Track - Concrete sleepers and bearers - Part 3: Twin-block reinforced sleepers
EN 13481-3
Railway applications - Track - Performance requirements for fastening systems - Part 3: Fastening systems for wood sleepers
EN 13230-4+A1
Railway applications - Track; Concrete sleepers and bearers - Part 4: Prestressed bearers for switches and crossings​
EN 13230-2
Railway applications - Track - Concrete sleepers and bearers -
Part 2: Prestressed monoblock sleepers​
Water absorption capacity
Tensile strength
Resistance to weathering
YaÅŸlanmaya Karşı Direnç (Kütle DeÄŸiÅŸimi, Statik Yataklama Modülü DeÄŸiÅŸimi, Ä°ÅŸletme Anında YaÅŸlandırma)​
EN 13146-3
Railway applications - Track - Test methods for fastening systems - Part 3: Determination of attenuation of impact loads
EN 13146-6
Railway applications - Track - Test methods for fastening systems - Part 6: Effect of severe environmental conditions
EN 13146-9
Railway applications - Track - Test methods for fastening systems - Part 9: Determination of stiffness
EN 13230-5
Railway applications - Track - Concrete sleepers and bearers - Part 5: Special elements
DIN 45673-5
Mechanical vibration - Resilient elements used in railway tracks - Part 5: Laboratory test procedures for under-ballast mats
EN 13146-1
Railway applications - Track - Test methods for fastening systems -Part 1: Determination of longitudinal rail restraint​
TS EN 17282
Under Balast Tests
Statik Yataklama Modülü
DüÅŸük Frekanslı Yataklama Modülü
DüÅŸük Frekanslı Dinamik SertleÅŸme Oranı
Yatay Yük Açısından SaÄŸlamlık
Zemin Suyu ve/veya YaÄŸmur suyundan Gelebilecek Ataklara Karşı Direnç
EN 13146-4
Railway applications - Track - Test methods for fastening systems - Part 4: Effect of repeated loading
EN 13146-7
Railway applications - Track - Test methods for fastening systems - Part 7: Determination of clamping force and uplift stiffness
EN 13146-10
Railway applications - Track - Test methods for fastening systems - Part 10: Proof load test for pull-out resistance
EN 13481-1
Railway applications - Track - Performance requirements for fastening systems - Part 1: Definitions
EN 13481-2
Railway applications - Track - Performance requirements for fastening systems - Part 2: Fastening systems for concrete sleepers
EN 13230-1
Railway applications - Track - Concrete sleepers and bearers - Part 1: General requirements
Under Balast Tests
Dinamik Yüklere Karşı Dayanıklılık (Mekanik Yorulma)
Resistance to Freeze-Thaw cycles
Resistance to low temprature
Su Varlığına Karşı Dayanıklılık