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Building Materials and Chemicals Lab.

Building Materials Tests

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Rheology, strength and durability tests for sustainable production and use of building materials and chemicals are carried out in our building materials and chemicals laboratory. Experimental studies are supported by micro examinations in our microscopy laboratory. 


EN 14891

Water impermeability test

EN 13412

Determination of modulus of elasticity in compression

EN 13501-1

Reaction to fire tests

EN 1062-3

Capillary water immerssion and liquid water permeability

EN 13580

Water absorption and resistance to alkali for hydrophobic impregnations

EN 12188

Adezyon: a)Levha ile levha arasında EN 12188 b)Levha ile beton arasında

EN 14891

Crack bridging ability

EN 1770

Determination of the coefficient of thermal expansion

EN 1062-6

Determination of carbon dioxide permeability

EN 13529

Resistance to severe chemical attack

EN 13579

Drying test for hydrophobic impregnation

EN 12636 Alterntf: EN12615

Sertleşmiş beton ile sertleşmiş beton arasında

EN 13687-1

Donma-Çözünme sonrası çekip koparma

EN 13295

Determination of resistance to carbonation

EN ISO 7783-1 EN ISO 7783-2

Water vapour permeability

EN ISO 6272-1

Rapid-deformation (impact resistance) tests


AÅŸağıda verilen özel çevre ÅŸartlarında uygulama ve kür bakımından uygunluÄŸu:

a)DüÅŸük veya yüksek sıcaklık

EN 12636 Alterntf: EN12615

b)Islak alt tabaka

EN 12636 Alterntf: EN12615

EN 12636 Alterntf: EN12615

Taze beton ile sertleÅŸmiÅŸ beton arasında 

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